FREE NEW VIDEO MASTERCLASS Reveals... Learn how this world class specialist surgeon with raving patients from USA helps home based digital Marketers sell 
High ticket Deals to busy competitive Professionals like her

Plus discover the NO BS data driven strategy where you can earn over $100,000 per year from home without investing 13 years of your life in medical school or chasing transient online gimmicks.

What You'll Learn Quickly 
On This Training 

  • Learn the real number 1 obstacle to gaining high value high net worth agency clients in the Top FIVE income producing profit niches: Advanced Practitioners & Professionals.
  • Learn the proven formula to remotely overcome this obstacle from anywhere in the world. Plus learn the 9 specific words and 1 maverick strategy that we use to convert high ticket clients from anywhere in the world.  A custom strategy that you can use systematically to make remote breakthrough profits from anywhere with a laptop and Skype.
  • Gain the unique capacity to routinely sell high ticket digital services campaigns remotely and achieve amazing results for high net worth professionals in over 100 business categories locally and globally!

Masterclass HOSTED BY 
Dr. Ruth Estimar, Mark & David 

Arizona- Cyberspace- London -Manila- Miami Beach- Philadelphia 

Doctor's Sponsors

This Maverick Masterclass Will Teach
You How to Easily Piggy Back These Results....


From locally
Anywhere in the world!

When you join our Video Masterclass, you’ll also get exclusive access 
to the special video bonus reel below.  Sent privately to your inbox. 
Join us and get this cut-to-the-chase eye opening report that can change your life now!
